A dog lead is one of the most essential pieces of equipment when you have a canine pet, whatever breed or size it is. Certainly, there are times when you can let your dog off the lead and let him or her roam freely, and that is great for both of you, but in many circumstances a lead is vital.
For example, you might go to the beach on many days and find there is hardly anyone else there, so you can let your dog explore wherever and whatever he wants to. You can go on walks on nature trails, and in many of those there are fields where the dog can just run for sheer enjoyment. Or you can go to the woods where much the same applies. This writer has had two Jack Russell’s over a period of 30 years (yes, JRT’s have a long lifespan) and both of them thoroughly enjoyed running loose in the woods.
(A word of warning here though. Make certain your dog is properly trained before allowing him / her off the lead in the woods. On one occasion, a young Merlin disappeared for over half an hour! But here is a tip: the trick is to stay where you are. Do not go looking for the dog. Sooner or later, he will return to where he first ran off, so he will come back to you).
You Need A Lead
However, you cannot let your dog run freely in many places, and therefore you need a lead. You also need to train him not to pull on the lead. You should understand that a lead is not for pulling your dog about either. Ideally, he should walk with the lead loose. It is just there to stop him running across the road when he spots a cat!
One of the best pieces of dog equipment is a harness, because it distributes any pressure across the body evenly, unlike a collar which could possibly stress the neck. Our harnesses can be connected at either the front or back.
At Goody Paws we provide a range of different leads, which makes it easy to shop for dog leads online rather than going from one pet shop to another trying to find something that takes your fancy.
When you shop for dog leads online at our website you will find that there is a choice of leads, harnesses, and even bow ties (for posh events) that are all in matching designs. We also produce matching phone cases, so you and your dog can both step out in style and impress the neighbours as well!